Petrol Filling Station Site, Swords, Co. Dublin
Sale AgreedLocation and Description
The site is approximately 1.4km east of Swords Town Centre, in the townland of Mountgorry. It is
situated 1.5 km north of Airside Retail Park and located between the MSD pharmaceutical plant’s
western boundary and the southern boundary of Feltrim Business Park.
The site is a triangular parcel of land covering 0.56 acres. It is currently undeveloped and
features an extensive frontage along Holywell Distributor Road. A footpath, cycle lane, and grass
margin run along the roadside boundary, while the other two boundaries consist of palisade fencing
and a small section of wall.
The Opportunity
The Property received full planning permission for the development of a Petrol Filling Station to
include a forecourt area with three fuel pump islands on 08 June 2022 by An Bord Pleanala.
(Fingal Ref: F20A/0535 ABP Ref: PL06F.311621)
Proposed Development of a petrol filling station to include: A forecourt area with 3 no. fuel pump
islands, illuminated forecourt canopy over, underground fuel storage tanks, associated
pipework and over-ground fill points and vents, electric car charging points and associated
An amenity building of 291 sqm gross floor area comprising a convenience shop (100 sq.m net
retail area), restaurant/cafe area with 1 no food offering with hot and cold meals and refreshments
for sale for consumption on and off the premises, associated customer seating, customer WCs,
Back of House area with food preparation areas, ancillary office, staff welfare facilities, storage and
plant areas. Further information on planning is detailed within the planning pack.